Connections for Success



Pink Panther hits N9NE this October

In our third video blog, we focus on the efforts N9NE Steakhouse is taking to support the Lynn Sage Foundation. What has made N9NE Steakhouse so successful, recently finishing second in money raised for the Foundation, is their willingness to develop their own fundraising initiatives that set their restaurant apart.

This year, they put a twist on the “pink” nature of October, Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and have created a cocktail they call the “Pink Panther.” Not only is this sure to be a tasty drink, but it’s also a clever marketing strategy that will connect with customers. While a part of the proceeds from each Pink Panther sold will go to the Lynn Sage Foundation, N9NE has also created a $100 tasting menu that donates half of all proceeds. On top of both of these campaigns, N9NE also still participates in the recommended campaign by the Lynn Sage Foundation of adding bill inserts to let customers choose to add donations to their bill.

Getting involved with such a great cause is rewarding in itself, but N9NE shows how making the extra effort can really pay off.

This October, join N9NE in the fight to find a cure for breast cancer!


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