Plan Compliance

An employee benefit plan sponsor or administrator is ultimately responsible for ensuring that a company’s plan is in compliance with all of the requirements set forth by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL). Compliance regulations of employee benefit plans are complex, extensive and, at times, difficult to interpret.  Plan sponsors are held accountable for all aspects of their plan, from remittances of contributions to when the plan is required to have an audit to the fiduciary responsibilities regarding selection and review of the plan’s investments. Making sure your plan is in compliance with all the rules and regulations can be quite overwhelming. ORBA’s Employee Benefit Plans Group is committed to staying informed on changes in laws and regulations that affect all types of plans.

At ORBA, our team of certified public accountants can assist plan sponsors on interpretations of the current rules and regulations, guide them on the best practices and, if applicable, assist in the best ways to prepare for your yearly audit. We provide a variety of services from audits, preparation of the plan’s 5500 tax return, and consulting, to ensure your plan is in compliance with the most recent rules and regulations put out by the IRS and DOL.

Plan Compliance

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  • Tax Pocket Guide
  • Tax Planning Guide
  • Records Retention Schedule
  • Auto, Travel & Business Log

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