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Law Firms & Lawyers


ERC Update: How Should You Proceed?
Michael A. Loesevitz

The IRS’s employee retention credit (ERC), created during the COVID-19 pandemic, seemed to offer a lucrative opportunity for many employers. That is certainly the impression that the many promoters that sprung up in response presented. But the IRS has discovered that a large percentage of the claims are invalid. Here is what you need to […]


How Law Firms are Making Hybrid Work Environments Work
Joy A. Long

The COVID-19 pandemic broke the barrier to remote work for many lawyers and staff. While some firms have returned to the office, many others have continued to work remotely in some form. This blog shares some best practices to make or keep a hybrid work environment successful. Working Advantages Most law firms that allow a […]


Are Your Partners up to Par? What to do About Underperforming Colleagues
Justin L. Sylvan

How do you know when it is time to let a partner go? It is common for partners to have some years that are more productive than others, and it is never easy to ask a colleague to leave. Here are some areas to consider when deciding if it is time to take action. Defining […]


It is Time to Get Serious About Digital Marketing
Jeffrey Hild

For many law firms, digital marketing still remains an afterthought. However, simply having a stagnant website, an occasional blog and limited social media presence will not cut it, regardless of your firm’s size or specialty. The competition for legal services is simply too fierce. If your firm is looking to develop or revamp its digital […]


Tax Considerations for Office Leases
Joshua Goldschmidt

With the changing work environment in recent years, many businesses are reconsidering their office spaces and current leases. This could include renegotiating leases, reducing or increasing space, or leasing a new space. While there are many things to consider before signing or modifying a lease for office space, one of the areas that should not […]


Law Firms Face Potential Red Flags as Uncertainties Continue
Joy A. Long

While the U.S. economy is showing signs of recovery, or at least a “soft landing,” the outlook for the legal market remains mixed in 2023. That is according to the “2023 Report on the State of Legal Market” from the Center on Ethics and the Legal Profession at Georgetown University Law Center and the Thomson […]


What You Need to Know About Texting Clients
Joy A. Long

Text messaging—whether via SMS, iMessage or another format—has become ubiquitous in our personal and work worlds. Texting is fast, easy for mostly everyone and can be a positive for both the phone-phobic and those simply in a hurry. Law firm clients already communicate with a variety of service providers by text, and they may expect […]


It is Time to Review Your Client Trust Account Practices
Justin L. Sylvan

Handling client money happens daily in every law firm. State ethics rules require most attorneys to use trust funds to segregate client funds from firm funds. Maintaining these client trust accounts (CTAs) while meeting your state’s ethics rules can be onerous, but following the rules is better than sanctions or potential disbarment. CTA rules vary […]


Pass-Through Entity Taxes: How Law Firms Can Manage the SALT Deduction Limit

Many high-income taxpayers were negatively impacted when the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA) imposed a $10,000 limit on the individual federal income tax deduction for state and local taxes (SALT). This $10,000 limit is often referred to as the “SALT cap.” In response, over two dozen states and one locality, New York […]


Don’t Forget About the Illinois Secure Choice Savings Program Act
Joshua Goldschmidt

The Illinois Secure Choice Savings Program Act requires certain employers within Illinois to either participate in the state-run retirement plan or to offer employees a different qualified employer-sponsored retirement plan. The amended law now requires many small businesses with as few as 5 employees to comply by November 2023. The purpose of the program is […]

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