Buy/Sell Analysis and Due Diligence
One of the most difficult decisions in today’s health care environment is whether to continue doing business as an independent practice or team up with a large group or hospital. ORBA’s team of health care experts and valuation professionals provide you with all of the information you need to make the right decision for your practice.
Before making a decision to merge or to remain independent, ORBA’s team of experts will provide you with a comparative analysis of the financial impacts of a merger or sale, along with a financial forecast and strategic plan for your existing practice. Our tax experts are keenly aware of the tax aspects of any transaction and will advise and guide you through the process to make sure you understand the effect to your personal bottom line. Because ORBA’s team of health care professionals has been involved in numerous mergers and acquisitions over the years, we offer value-added experience that goes above and beyond advising you of the financial benefits and pitfalls of any potential transaction. Armed with this information, you can be confident you have the facts you need to make an informed decision about the future of your practice.
Once a decision is made to move forward with a transaction or to seek a strategic partner, ORBA’s team will provide you with guidance regarding pre-transaction due diligence. This includes identifying and addressing any perceived or potential problems regarding either financial or legal issues.
Because ORBA understands not only your practice, but also the financial impacts to both your business and personal bottom line, engaging our professionals to play key roles in the process is extremely beneficial. The services and advice we offer are tremendous assets in any buy/sell decision and will have a lasting impact on your practice’s value.