DOL and IRS Plan Examination Assistance

Surviving an IRS or DOL audit necessitates an understanding of the differences between the two. The IRS primarily has jurisdiction over the tax-qualified status of your employee benefit plans. This means that the IRS focuses on whether or not your plan is in compliance with the Internal Revenue Code. The DOL, on the other hand, is concerned with enforcement of rules under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA), which includes your plan’s fiduciary and disclosure compliance.

ORBA understands these differences, which are crucial to guiding an efficient and brief examination. Our professionals provide the support and expertise to optimally minimize the impact of an examination, whether the audit involves a retirement or health-related plan. ORBA will also help you get your plan back on track by assisting in getting your plan in complete compliance with IRS and DOL rules.

Employee Benefit Plans ServicesDOL and IRS Plan Examination Assistance

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  • Tax Pocket Guide
  • Tax Planning Guide
  • Records Retention Schedule
  • Auto, Travel & Business Log

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