Thomas M. Kosinski, <span class="title">CPA, MST</span>

Thomas M. Kosinski, CPA, MSTDirector

P 630.703.6247 | F 630.581.8301

Tom Kosinski joined ORBA in 1994 and became a Director in 2001. His 30-year career at ORBA focused on consulting with high net worth individuals and business entrepreneurs. Many of them are executives for their companies or private investors who need tax planning for both business and personal activities. He has a significant group of clients in the commodities and securities industry.

Tom is also experienced in U.S. tax issues and clients with international taxation. Tom consults on foreign activities and operations as separate entities, branches or divisions. He has researched and implemented tax savings and benefits for clients with multiple tax jurisdictions and assists with international tax issues for individuals and corporations that work with tax treaties and foreign compliance. He is an expert in tax controversy matters and represents taxpayers during IRS and Illinois Department of Revenue audits and resolves collection problems.

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ORBA will gladly provide you with hard copies of the useful guides listed below. Select which guides you would like to receive and submit the form below.

  • Tax Pocket Guide
  • Tax Planning Guide
  • Records Retention Schedule
  • Auto, Travel & Business Log

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